The Midnight Cry

I ran into an old friend tonight. When I say old friends, I mean we met working together at Ryan’s steakhouse and again at St. Francis. Please pray for him and his family.
He made a tape (yes, a tape) with a song called Midnight Cry. I don’t think I’d ever heard that song before I heard him sing it. It puts a lump in my throat every time. It’s talking about Jesus’  return. And it’s so vivid that I can see it in my head. And there’s a longing for the day when all this earthly stuff won’t even…. When every pain is erased from you soul at the mere sight of Jesus. Songs are so important. Can you only imagine? Is eternity so real that you fantasize about it? If I were going to Paris, I could just see myself at the Eiffel Tower. Can you just imagine looking at the hands that took the nails for you? Staring into the face that knew you before you knew you and seeing only love. Hearing Him say “well done, good and faithful servant”. There’s a big big part of me that wants to scream “Come Lord Jesus Come”, but there’s an even bigger part that says give my friend or my loved one a little more time to turn their hearts to you. Like He gave me a little more time to turn my heart to Him. But one day there will be a midnight or midday or noonish cry. A trump will resound. Can you imagine the sky going from blue to black and the universe displayed before you and you see the One who is called Faithful and True coming to take us home. This day one terrified me. I didn’t think I’d fare too well on the great and awesome day of the Lord. If you feel like you want to vomit at the thought of that day, today is the day to decide to put your faith in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus. And like He was raised never to die again, so will you. Be blessed

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